Ana Patsogolo Project
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- Ana Patsogolo Project
GLOHOMO is one of the consortiums members that are implementing the ANA Patsogolo project. This is a 5 Years (2020-2024) health related project that is being funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through World Education Inc./Bantwana. GLOHOMO is implementing the project in Machinga district, targeting all the 22 health facilities and their surrounding communities (a total of 14 TAs).
The main interventions are orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) Adolescent Girls and Young Women(AGYW). The project targets extreme high risk OVCs population between 0 to 17 years. The OVC category includes, Children Living with HIV, HIV Exposed infants, biological children of HIV plus caregivers. The other category being the high risk OVC 0 to 17 which includes Children of Female Sex Workers, sexual violence survivors and child headed households. The project also targets OVC in the age range of 9 to 14 years both boys and girls that are at risk of HIV since this is an exploration period hence at risk of contracting the disease. The last category that was targeted was the AGYW in the age range of 10 to 24 especially those with multiple sexual partners, those with history of sexually transmitted infections, no or inconsistent use of condoms, and lastly those with experience of violence and orphanhood.
Project Goal | Specific Objectives |
The goal of the project is to prevent new HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW). | Enhanced the capacity of families and communities to support OVC and AGYWIncreased uptake of health, HIV, prevention, care and treatment services among OVC and AGYW.Reduced sexual violence and GBV among OVC and AGYW.Enhanced child protection systems. |
APA provides an evidence-based package of services delivered through case management and an integrated referral network across the HIV continuum which includes prevention interventions delivered through group-based activities and DREAMS layered services. APA strengthens collaborative efforts with clinical partners and health facilities to ensure that children living with HIV are enrolled in the OVC program. APA scales up DREAMS programming to saturation in Machinga with expanded social asset building, gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, economic strengthening, and employment opportunities for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW. The project targets caregivers, Children/ Adolescents Living with HIV AIDS (C/ALHIV), Children of People Living with HIV and AIDS (CPLHIV), HIV Exposed Infants (HEIs), Children of Female Sex Workers (CFSWs), Victimized, Abused, Exploited, and Neglected (VAEN) children, and Adolescent Girls and young Women (AGYW), Male sexual Partners (MSPs)APA works through 670 Community Resource Persons (CRPs).
Reach: the project reaches out to 200, 000 (125,000 female and 75,000 male) beneficiaries annually.
Key Interventions within the APA Project
- OVC case management
Education and Safe Schools
Economic Strengthening
Provision of Primary and secondary Health Package
The SIYANKHA model